Don't Get BLINDSIDED By Hidden Costs of Buying Land!

Don't Get BLINDSIDED By Hidden Costs of Buying Land!

How to buy country land / property. E99 This is our Amazon store with affiliate links to the products we use on the channel. It doesn't cost you anymore and it helps support the channel, THANKS! Welcome to our channel! 🎥 What to Watch Next: Fixing Leaky Pond:    • Sealing a Leaking Pond with Shalex Da...   Transforming Our Property:    • Starting a Homestead from Scratch! | ...   Clearing Thick Brush with Mini Excavator:    • Excavator clearing THICK BRUSH on sma...   Mowing Large Acreage:    • How to Setup a Brush Hog (Bush Hog) t...   ➤FOLLOW US on Social Media: Facebook -   / pineygrovehomesteadandminifarm   Instagram -   / pghomestead   TikTok -   / pineygrovehomestead   Our Story: We are four years into a seven year effort of transforming 20 acres of "Piney Grove" in Northwest Florida into our dream homestead/mini farm to be filled with animals and joy. We plan to have a variety of miniature critters on our pastures, raise free-range chickens, grow fish in our pond, garden organically, plant fruit and nut trees, and harvest wild game. Our goal is to escape the stresses of corporate life and embrace all that country living has to offer as we enter the next chapter of our lives. Follow along on our journey! Thanks for watching and please Like and Subscribe to help our channel!! Brad & Deb