Welcome to Wesley ~ 3rd Sunday of Advent ~ December 11, 2022

Welcome to Wesley ~ 3rd Sunday of Advent ~ December 11, 2022

Welcome to Wesley United Methodist Church! Today is the second Sunday of Advent. We celebrate the four Sundays of advent leading up to Christmas Eve services and Christmas Day. To find out more about United Methodists beliefs on Advent, you can visit https://www.resourceumc.org/en/conten... Join us on Facebook, YouTube at    / wesleymorgantownorg1904  , or our website at www.wesleymorgantown.org/services-2 for live services every Sunday! Streams begin at 10:45 a.m. for gathering time and music and service begins at 11 a.m.! Today, Pastor Martha has a special message on "Who's All This About?," based on Matthew 11: 2-11 and Luke 1: 39-56. The Chancel Choir will be offering "Somebody Build a Manger" as the anthem this morning. If you would like to read scripture, perform the Word in Music or contribute in another way, please mention it in chat this morning or indicate it in your virtual connection card at wesleymorgantown.org/connection-card. If you have a prayer request, you are welcome to mention it in the chat or note it on your virtual connection card as well. Families, visit our website regularly for weekly children's bulletins, Sunday School lessons and activities at wesleymorgantown.org/kids. Parents, be sure to check your email for the most current information about Sunday School. If you are able, you are can share an offering at wesleymorgantown.org/giving. Your gifts are greatly appreciated and help us continue the work of the church. We're so happy you could join us this morning. We hope you have a glorious day and a blessed week!