ರಿವಾರ್ಸುಲ್ ರಾಜ | NIFTY UPDATE | macd indicator | ready to breakout stocks in kannada |nifty levels
hi About:- I Am Anand Patil Welcome to our YouTube Channel Anand Patil About:- macd trading strategy in kannada short for moving average convergence/divergence, is a trading indicator used in technical analysis of stock prices, created by Gerald Appel in the late 1970s. It is designed to reveal changes in the strength, direction, momentum, and duration of a trend in a stock's price. Topic: ರಿವಾರ್ಸುಲ್ ರಾಜ NIFTY UPDATE | macd indicator ready to breakout stocks in kannada nifty levels confidence petroleum greaves cotton share tilaknagar industries share Acount Open With Us: Upstox: https://upstox.com/open-account/?f=32... aliceblue: https://alicebluepartner.com/open-mya... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Social Media FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... INSTGRAM: / anand_p_atil TELEGRAM GROUP: //t.me/anandpatil1122 Watsapp: +916362882051 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stock market in kannada Technical Analysis of Stocks Fundamentals Analysis of Stocks How To use Zerodh Platform How to Select Stocks for Trading ನಮ್ಮ ಹತ್ತಿರ ಸ್ಟಾಕ್ ಮಾರ್ಕೆಟ್ ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ನಮ್ಮಿಂದ ಕಲಿಯಬಹುದು ... Please don t Forget to Like ,share& Subscribe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Stock Market Fundamental and Technical Analysis Websites: Sector Wise Stock List Moneycontrol: https://www.moneycontrol.com/stocks/m... https://in.investing.com/ https://web.stockedge.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #macdtradingstrategyinkannada #Stockmarketkannada #swingtradingstrategiesinkannada #TechnicalanAlysiskannada ***************************************************************** DISCLAIMER: STOCK MARKET subject to market risk. Buying or selling is individual Risks. Suggestions given based on the current market situations. All the videos in this channel are for education and information purpose only. All the viewers are advised to consult an adviser before making an investment decision. The author will not be responsible for any action taken by the viewers basing on these videos. Author will not be responsible for the any individual losses.