PHONK Songs with Cool Instruments!
Your favorite PHONK and Brazilian Funk Songs but with Cool Instruments! Hammered Dulcimer: https://songbirdhd.com 👕 MERCHANDISE: https://joeporter.myspreadshop.com/all 👍 JOIN my Channel for less than a $1 to get more weekly videos, lessons & members only Discord: / @joeporterpercussion 🎁 COOL INSTRUMENTS STORE (Great Gifts!): https://joeporteronline.com/cool-inst... ► WEBSITE (sheet music, books & more): http:/www.joeporteronline.com 🎧 SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/album/5J4eY7... 👥 DISCORD Public Music Server: / discord 📸 INSTAGRAM: / joeportermusic Songs: Murder in My Mind by Kordhell Slay! by Eternxlkz Funk Estranho by Alxike Montagem Vozes Profundas by Dj Maxzz Rave by Dxrk ダーク