This cabbage recipe is so delicious that I make it every week! It's quick and easy! # 3 recipes!
This cabbage recipe is so delicious that I make it every week! It's quick and easy! # 3 recipes! Recipe 1 I have never had such delicious cabbage before. You will want to make this cabbage recipe almost every day. I am sure it will be the most delicious cabbage recipe you make at home. Just boil the cabbage and mix it with the other ingredients and cook it in a pan. Don't pass without trying this easy and simple recipe. Definitely save this cabbage recipe and share it with your loved ones. Listen to the relaxing sounds (ASMR) in my kitchen and enjoy the recipe. Enjoy watching... Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE! / @nefissanallezzetler Ingredients A piece of cabbage 4 eggs A piece of capia pepper 1 green pepper A piece of leek A piece of parsley 1/3 cup milk 1 heaping tablespoon flour Salt, paprika and black pepper 1/2 cup cheese Some mozzarella cheese 1 tablespoon of butter Recipe 2 I cook potatoes like this everyday! Simple and delicious recipe with potato! Easy potato recipe, simple ingredients. Definitely try this potato recipe! Simple Fast Delicious. " Nefis Sanal Lezzetler ". Ingredients 4 medium potatoes 1 green pepper Half an capia pepper Pinch of parsley 4 tbsp milk 1 heaping tablespoon cornstarch Paprika, black pepper and salt Cheese slices Recipe 3 This recipe is proof that you can make delicious potatoes without frying them. It's easy to create new things with potatoes! Just peeling potatoes will tire you! 😍 Peel and boil the potatoes. Then add the necessary ingredients and mix. Add a little oil to the pan and cook as desired. I love potatoes in any form, but it was incredibly delicious this way too. I definitely recommend you try it. Try and enjoy this delicious potato recipe. Have a nice watching. Enjoy your meal. 😋👌 Ingredients 400g potatoes 1/3cup milk ( 80ml ) 1/2 cup cornstarch ( 70g ) Little dill Little parsley Half capia pepper Half green pepper Paprika, black pepper and salt Delicious potato recipe prepared quickly with simple ingredients! We hope you have a good time listening to the relaxing sounds ( ASMR ) and light background music in the video. Don't let it spoil your taste.🥰 "Nefis Sanal Lezzetler" my channel = ' Simple Fast Delicious '.