Tommy and Alfie shoot each other  #thomasshelby #shortvideo #shorts #short

Tommy and Alfie shoot each other #thomasshelby #shortvideo #shorts #short

I once told you Alfie. That for business reasons or in bad blood. I would kill you. I have no business reasons. It seems you have, retired. So this is all purely for bad blood, is it, Tommy? Right. Yeah. You're not armed? No. Don't be daft. The only thing I got on me, is f**king cancer, mate. yeah. Riddled with it. Doctor told me I might have picked it up in France in the gas or something. He even showed me a photograph of it. Alfie, stop talking. So I said, "Margate" right, and here I am. Come on, Tommy. Alfie. Look at me. You know there's an honourable reason Look at me. Now to pull that trigger. Alfie, Look at me. F**king get on with it. Stop acting like a little girl. Alfie. #shelby #edit #motivation #energy #act #again #peakyblinders #thomasshelby #sigma #mop #shorts #shotr #so_today #do_not_think_about_it #do_not_talk_about_it #do_not_wish_for_it #go_for_it #dive #move #start #act #trust_me #it_is_the_only_away #to_get_there