Far Cry 3 Welcome to Wonderland mod, all outposts, all alarms deliberately raised Part 3

Far Cry 3 Welcome to Wonderland mod, all outposts, all alarms deliberately raised Part 3

Welcome to Wonderland is a mod in which all outposts are more heavily guarded, and also with massive reinforcements if alarms are raised. Oh, yeah, pirates are swapped with Rakyat and vice versa. Played on hardest difficulty, using only shotgun, grenades and takedowns. This mod is a true DEFINITION OF INSANITY !!! my other Far Cry 3 playlists: Far Cry 3 - Gear Up (and Level Up) FAST    • Far Cry 3 - Gear Up (and Level Up) FAST   Far Cry 3 - all outposts LOUD! (automatic weapons)    • Far Cry 3 - all outposts LOUD! (autom...