Messenger can't block yet You have to wait 48 houses to block someone after unblocking them
Messenger can't block yet You have to wait 48 houses to block someone after unblocking them search; can't block yet on messenger problem solve can't reply on messenger but not blocked fix this person is unavailable on messenger this person is unavailable on messenger problem solve 2023 this person is unavailable on messenger problem solve not blocked on messenger but can't reply blocked on messenger but not facebook blocked on messenger 2023 this person is unavailable on messenger problem solve iphone how to delete couldn't send messages on messenger fb messenger block to unblock fb message block solution fb login problem you can't use this feature right now facebook messenger couldn't send red exc Thank you for watching 🤩Don't forget to leave a "LIKE" 🥰Please don't forget to "SUBSCRIBE" 🤩Please share with your friends if you enjoyed and found this video helpful