Sivab 5mg Tablet Uses In Urdu/Hindi | Ivabradine 7.5mg Tablet Uses In Urdu/Hindi

Sivab 5mg Tablet Uses In Urdu/Hindi | Ivabradine 7.5mg Tablet Uses In Urdu/Hindi

Sivab 5mg Tablet Uses In Urdu/Hindi | Ivabradine 7.5mg Tablet Uses In Urdu/Hindi SIVAB 7.5mg (Getz Pharmaceuticals) (Ivabradine) Ivabradine:- Ivabradine is a heart rate-lowering medication that works by selectively inhibiting the If (funny) channels in the sinoatrial node, reducing heart rate without affecting myocardial contractility or blood pressure. Uses Ivabradine is used for conditions where reducing the heart rate improves symptoms and prognosis: 1. Chronic Heart Failure o Indicated in patients with symptomatic chronic heart failure (NYHA Class II-IV) with reduced ejection fraction and resting heart rate ≥70 beats per minute despite optimal medical therapy (including beta-blockers or when beta-blockers are contraindicated). 2. Stable Angina Pectoris (off-label in some countries) o Used in adults with chronic stable angina who have a contraindication or intolerance to beta-blockers, or as an add-on therapy when symptoms persist despite beta-blockers. Dosage Dosage must be individualized based on clinical condition and resting heart rate. Chronic Heart Failure (Adults) • Initial dose: 5 mg twice daily (with meals). • Maintenance dose: 2.5–7.5 mg twice daily, adjusted based on resting heart rate. • Target heart rate: 50–60 beats per minute. Stable Angina (Adults) • Initial dose: 5 mg twice daily. • Maintenance dose: 5–7.5 mg twice daily. Pediatrics • Not commonly used but may be prescribed in specific pediatric cases under specialist supervision. Side Effects Ivabradine is generally well-tolerated, but some adverse effects may occur: Common • Visual disturbances ("phosphenes"): Transient flashes of light, especially in low light conditions. • Bradycardia (slow heart rate). • Fatigue. • Dizziness. • Headache. Less Common • Hypotension. • Arrhythmias (e.g., atrial fibrillation). Serious (Rare) • Severe bradycardia requiring dose adjustment or discontinuation. • Conduction disturbances. Contraindications Ivabradine should not be used in the following scenarios: 1. Bradycardia o Resting heart rate 60 bpm before treatment initiation. 2. Acute Heart Failure o Not suitable for acute decompensated heart failure. 3. Cardiogenic Shock o Contraindicated due to its negative chronotropic effects. 4. Hypotension o Systolic blood pressure 90 mmHg. 5. Severe Hepatic Impairment o Ivabradine is extensively metabolized in the liver and should not be used in severe hepatic failure. 6. Sinoatrial Block or Sick Sinus Syndrome o May worsen conduction abnormalities. 7. Concomitant Use of Strong CYP3A4 Inhibitors o Drugs like ketoconazole, clarithromycin, and ritonavir significantly increase ivabradine levels. 8. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding o Not recommended due to insufficient safety data. Follow my tiktok account 👇 Other videos links. 👇 Tanakan Tablet Uses In Urdu | Ginkgo Biloba Benefits In Urdu/Hindi | Tinnitus Treatment In Urdu    • Tanakan Tablet Uses In Urdu |  Ginkgo...   Diflucan 150mg 1 Capsule In Urdu | Fluconazole 150mg | Diflucan Capsule Uses In Urdu | Fluconazole    • Diflucan 150mg 1 Capsule In Urdu | Fl...   Triforge 5/160/25 Uses In Urdu/Hindi | Triforge Tablet Uses In Urdu | Triforge Tablet    • Triforge 5/160/25 Uses In Urdu/Hindi ...   Pirfenidone Tablets ip 200 mg Urdu/Hindi | Pirfenex 200 mg Tablet Uses In Urdu/Hindi    • Pirfenidone Tablets ip 200 mg Urdu/Hi...   Pediasure Powder Ke Fayde | Pediasure Milk | Pediasure Kitne Saal Ke Bacche Ko De Sakte Hain    • Pediasure Powder Ke Fayde | Pediasure...   Sangobion VS Fefol vit Capsule Benefits In Urdu/Hindi    • Sangobion VS Fefol vit Capsule Benefi...   ===================== #sivabtablet #Ivabradine #doctor #heartdisease #heart #heartrate #bloodpressure #bloodpressuremeasurement #bloodpressuremanagement #medicine #medicineinformation #medicinechannel #medicines #medicines #medicine_knowledge