The BEST & WORST DIY Rental Friendly Upgrades *Peel & Stick + More*

The BEST & WORST DIY Rental Friendly Upgrades *Peel & Stick + More*

☆ If you’re struggling, consider therapy with our sponsor BetterHelp. Click for a 10% discount on your first month of therapy with a licensed professional specific to your needs. Shop Lone Fox (Home Decor, Kitchenware & Art Prints): Follow Lone Fox on Instagram: @lonefoxhome Check out my Amazon Favorites: When it comes to a rental, finding ways to make it your own can be a bit challenging. Today I wanted to round up by top favorites and some of my least favorite rental friendly upgrades. Almost all of these I have done multiple times and lived with them for years, even documenting the removal process here on the channel. Which peel and stick option is your favorite? ☆ Shop my favorite rental friendly upgrades: JOIN THE LONE FOX FAMILY! Instagram:   / lonefoxhome   Instagram (Personal):   / imdrewscott   Tiktok:   / lonefoxhome   Pinterest :   / cardofmyeye   Facebook:   / lonefoxhome   Shop my Moms Craft Supply Shop: C O N T A C T Any questions, inquiries or collabs : [email protected] E Q U I P M E N T Canon 5D Mark III (Main Camera): Canon G7X (Vlog Camera): Sigma 35mm Lens: Microphone: Memory Card (BEST): Tripod: M U S I C All music if from T H A N K Y O U Thanks so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed. Leave any future video ideas you would like to see in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe!