If you're experiencing a sluggish engine performance, lowered acceleration, an odor of rotten eggs or sulfur from the exhaust, dark exhaust smoke, or extreme heat coming from under the vehicle, these are symptoms of a clogged Catalytic Converter, and it should get repaired by flushing it out with UPTIMERCLEAN FUEL ADDITIVE A clogged cat causes reduced airflow that causes your engine to burn extra fuel. Not only does this increase your fuel bill and waste gas, it makes the clog worse. To the average driver, lower fuel efficiency is one of the most noticeable symptoms of a bad catalytic converter. A decrease in your overall miles per gallon may indicate catalytic converter problems. The backup of exhaust gases inside of your engine negatively affects more than just your fuel economy. Your engine also struggles to generate its normal amounts of power, especially when attempting to accelerate. A clogged catalytic converter disrupts the air intake of your vehicle's engine. As a result, it reduces your car's acceleration and overall performance. In addition, you may also notice a drop in your fuel. catalytic converters indirectly reduce fuel consumption. For catalytic converters to work properly it require (as in MUST have) a precise balance of fuel and air called a Stoichiometric ratio. In a gasoline this means 14.7:1 by mass. (Air mass: Fuel mass). "UPTIMERCLEAN FUEL ADDITIVE"Helps you achieve that it adds extra oxygen to your fuel