Bored in Starfield? Try THIS! (19 Goals For Beginner and Veteran Players)

Bored in Starfield? Try THIS! (19 Goals For Beginner and Veteran Players)

Starfield is a giant space RPG with plenty to do. But that can sometimes work against it. So if you're feeling bored in Starfield, check out this list of 19 things to do to keep you busy long after you're done with the main quest. There are goals for all types of gamers and beginners and veterans alike. Also, I talk about Starfield Radio in this video which is a fantastic fan-made website that you can find at . Let me know what I missed in the comments below. Happy gaming! TIMESTAMPS 00:00 - Intro 00:27 - Goal #1 01:05 - Goal #2 02:05 - Goal #3 02:47 - Goal #4 03:21 - Goal #5 03:52 - Goal #6 04:41 - Goal #7 05:31 - Goal #8 06:12 - Goal #9 06:48 - Goal #10 07:27 - Goal #11 07:51 - Goal #12 08:38 - Goal #13 09:02 - Goal #14 09:24 - Goal #15 10:04 - Goal #16 10:37 - Goal #17 11:07 - Goal #18 11:42 - Goal #19 12:11 - Bonus Tip M O R E S T A R F I E L D C O N T E N T Starfield vs No Man's Sky    • Starfield vs No Mans Sky: The Ultimat...   How To Build A Starfield Outpost the Easy Way    • How To Build A Starfield Outpost The ...   Starfield Tips & Tricks    • Starfield Gameplay Tips & Tricks (16 ...   Thank you to Freesound for the sweet sound effects! Cartoon Boing.wav by reelworldstudio -- -- License: Creative Commons 0