03 Basics Tips for One paper Preparation | GK / 100 Marks / MCQs / PCS / FPSC / PPSC & Other Exams

03 Basics Tips for One paper Preparation | GK / 100 Marks / MCQs / PCS / FPSC / PPSC & Other Exams

For Detailed video on 100 MCQs & handling of Negative Marking negative Marking.Follow the given link video will help you to cover all syllabus, its preparational methodology and books. Link :    • G.K for PMS PCS & it’s Preparation | ...   #newspaper #reading | #CSS PMS Current Affairs | #ahmadrana VIEWS Aspirants work hard for maximum score in CSS as well as in current affairs. The impact of News Paper Reading is huge on all CSS papers of compulsories as well as Optional . Study smart and work hard is the only key to attain maximum score in CSS papers. Choose quality over quantity. “A wealth of information leads to a poverty of attention” — Herbert Simon Current Affair Sources: The Dawn’s Editorial/ Opinion Pages (One English Daily, weekly , Quarterly Magazines ) One daily compilation One monthly compilation Internet , research articles , Books , Pakistan Affairs' & History The problem with most aspirants is not that they neglect newspapers, but they overplay its importance. Some read newspapers for almost 01-1.5Hrs hours a day, leaving them with no time to read other subjects. This video will help you in making your Notes from News paper, Time management and important areas in News. Good Luck Team Ahmad Rana VIEWS . . . Breaking News | Latest News | Pakistan Breaking News | Breaking News Today | News Headlines | Headlines News | Pakistan News | Headlines | Live News | News Updates | Ahmad Rana VIEWS YouTube Channel For the Latest Updates visit our Social Media:   / ahmadrana.official   -Official Facebook:   / arv.ahmadran.  . -Official Twitter: ​  / ahmadrana_pk   -Official Instagram:   / ahmadrana.o.  . -Latest News:    / ahmadranaviews   -Pakistan News:    / ahmadranaviews   -National News: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... -Motivation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... -International News: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... -CSS/PMS Education Guide: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... -Trending News:    / ahmadranaviews   Ahmad Rana VIEWS YouTube Channel, For more videos, subscribe to our channel and for suggestions please use the comment section. . . #CSS #PMS #EXAM #Pakistan #provincial #management #services #civil #Competetion #GK #PPSC #FPSC #SPSC #KPSC #BPSC #AJK #GB #PSC #PCS #CSP #Government #Jobs #NTS #vacancy #Marks #MCQs #Punjab #KPK #Khyberpakhtunkhwa #Sindh #Balochistan #Subjects #Compulsory #Optionals #Scoring #essay #essay #Writing #precis #currentaffairs #pakistanaffairs #islamiat #urdu #vocabulary #translation #criteria #eligibility #Mentors #ahmadrana #education #ahmadranaviews