Episode #80: A Patch of Blue (1965)

Episode #80: A Patch of Blue (1965)

#APatchofBlue #SidneyPoitier #FilmPodcast Source: https://www.podbean.com/eau/pb-d7fyy-... The Ticklish Trio returns (finally!) with an episode that honors Black History Month and Sidney Poitier's birthday. We break down Poitier's complicated legacy as one of Old Hollywood's most famous Black performer and disabled narratives within the 1965 drama A Patch of Blue. If you want to know what classic film DVDs, Blu-rays, and books are worth purchasing check out Ticklish Business' Amazon Page. Support the podcast and get access to special pins, exclusive audio, and additional podcasts at our Patreon page. NEXT TIME: We kick off Musical March with our first Fred and Ginger movie, Swing Time!