[4K] 수인분당선 선릉역에서 지하철 2호선 내선순환으로 환승 Subway Lino No.2 in Seoul ソウル 地下鉄2号線
1977년 최초 건설계획 당시 역명은 '도곡동역'이었으나, 인근에 조선 제9대 임금인 성종의 능인 선릉이 있다는 데서 선릉역이라는 이름으로 확정했다 성종의 선릉과 정현왕후의 선릉(성종의 부인이자 중종의 어머니)과 정릉(조선 중종의 능)를 통틀어 삼릉이나 선정릉이라고 하는데, 이 안에 삼릉공원이 조성되어 있다 한편, 분당선 쪽에 선정릉역이 개통되었는데, 실제로 선정릉역에서 선정릉에 가려면 선릉역 쪽으로 돌아서 가야 한다 선릉역에서 출입구를 지나 200m만 가면 선정릉 입구가 나온다 따라서 선정릉을 관람하고 싶다면 선정릉역으로 가지 말고 여기에서 내리자 2호선과 분당선의 환승역이다 분당선 역의 경우 한국철도공사 수도권동부지사 선릉그룹역인 그룹대표역이었으나, 보통역으로 격하당했다 능곡역과 같은 운명에 처해졌다 능곡역도 그룹대표역에서 보통역으로 격하당했다 At the time of the first construction plan in 1977, the station name was 'Dogok-dong Station', but it was decided as Seolleung Station because there is Seolleung, the tomb of King Seongjong, the ninth king of Joseon, nearby Seolleung of King Seongjong and Queen Jeonghyeon's Seonneung (the wife of King Seongjong and mother of King Jungjong) and Jeongneung (the tomb of King Jungjong of Joseon) are collectively called Samneung or Seonjeongneung On the other hand, Seonjeongneung Station was opened on the Bundang Line side In fact, to get to Seonjeongneung from Seonjeongneung Station, you have to go around Seolleung Station From Seolleung Station, just 200m past the entrance, you will find the entrance to Seonjeongneung So, if you want to see Seonjeongneung, do not go to Seonjeongneung Station and get off here It is a transfer station for Line 2 and Bundang Line In the case of the Bundang Line station, it was a group representative station, the Seolleung group station of the eastern branch of the Korea Railroad Corporation, but was downgraded to an ordinary station I was faced with the same fate as Neunggok Station Neunggok Station was also downgraded from group representative to regular 1977年に最初の建設計画当時駅名は「道谷洞駅」でしたが、近くの朝鮮第9代王である成宗のヌンイン宣陵があることから宣陵駅という名前で確定した。成宗の宣陵と正弦王后の宣陵(成宗の夫人であり、中宗の母)と貞陵(中宗の機能)をあわせて陵やソンジョンルンとするが、この中に陵公園が造成されている。一方、盆唐線側ソンジョンルン駅が開通されたが、実際ソンジョンルン駅からソンジョンルンに行く宣陵駅に向かって回って行かなければならない。宣陵駅から出入口を通って200mだけ行けばソンジョンルン入口が出てくる。したがってソンジョンルンを観覧したい場合はソンジョンルン逆に行かずにここから降りる。 2号線と盆唐線の乗換駅である。盆唐線逆の場合、韓国鉄道公社首都圏東部支社宣陵グループ役グループ代表駅であったが、普通逆に格下げされた。ヌンゴク駅のような運命にさらされた。ヌンゴク重量挙げグループ代表駅で普通逆に格下げされた。