Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes with Fixed Deposits | Fixed Deposit Mistakes in Tamil

Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes with Fixed Deposits | Fixed Deposit Mistakes in Tamil

Download ffreedom app:- Related Courses 💰Fixed Deposit Course - 📈 Mutual Funds Course - 💳 Course on Credit Card - 📊 Credit Score Course - 📉 Stock Market Course - Connect on Telegram - Connect on Whatsapp - 00:00 - 01:56 - Introduction 01:57 - 05:23- Investment Not Backed by Research 05:24 - 07:41 - Investment Without a Goal 07:42 - 09:43 - Investment More than 5 lakhs 09:43 - 10:54 - Conclusion Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes with Fixed Deposits | Fixed Deposit Mistakes in Tamil Fixed Deposits (FDs) seem like a safe bet, but even safe bets can have hidden risks. This video exposes 3 common mistakes people make with FDs that can cost them money. You'll learn how to shop around for the best interest rates and choose the perfect lock-in period to fit your goals. We'll also show you how to fight inflation and pick FDs that can potentially outpace it. Finally, don't get caught off guard by early withdrawal penalties! #fdmistakes #avoidfdmistakes #smartfdinvesting #maximizefdreturns #fixeddeposittips #prematurewithdrawalpenalty #taxonfd #investwisely #financialliteracy #growyourmoneyright #fdvsotherinvestments #bestfdschemes #isfdrightforyou #longtermfd #comparefdinterestrates DISCLAIMER We are not SEBI Registered and this video is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice or an endorsement of specific investments. It is essential to conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions.