Sunday Worship 20250119
Welcome to First Baptist Church of Pendleton As we aspire to keep Jesus at the center of our lives, we are Rooted in Faith, and Growing in Love. We endeavor to be a welcoming and affirming community of grace for all people, loving our neighbors because God first loved us. January 19, 2025 · 10:45 am · Second Sunday after Epiphany The Jesus Mural of Faith, Hope, Love, and Peace in Chicago, IL places Jesus centerstage with arms outstretched, welcoming all people to him. Incorporated into the figure of Jesus is a mosaic quality that undoubtedly represents his multifaceted nature as well as the ability for all peoples to claim him as their own. Surrounding him is a diverse group holding hands in unity. One of the scripture passages listed for this image gives us the second greatest commandment: “to love one’s neighbor as oneself.” In loving one another, we stimulate peace, faith, and hope for the war-torn and unjust world in which we live. This painting reminds us that it is in our love for one another—a love that seeks equality and justice for all—that we show true, deep, and abiding love for God as well. (Source: Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN) The Call to Worship will be "Rejoice in the Lord." Rev. Chris Cottingham will lead the Passing of the Peace. The Hymn of Praise will be "Rejoice, the Lord Is King." Rev. Jennifer McClung Rygg will read Nehemiah 8:1-10. The Sanctuary Choir will sing "Rejoice in the Lord Always." The Offertory Hymn will be "Be Strong in the Lord." Anna Leavitt will give the Offertory Prayer. Richard Reynolds Huss will play "Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness" for the Offertory. Anna Leavitt will read Luke 4:14-21. Rev. Chris Cottingham will sing "Joy in the Journey." Rev. Jennifer McClung Rygg will preach the sermon "Strengthened by Joy." The Hymn of Response will be "Let All Things Now Living."