Jesus is my Fortress Church - Sunday Live Service "YOU ARE LIKE AN EAGLE"

Jesus is my Fortress Church - Sunday Live Service "YOU ARE LIKE AN EAGLE"

Jesus is my Fortress Church - Sunday Live Service July 16, 2023 YOU ARE LIKE AN EAGLE Ptr Rudy Ratilla If you would like to give: You can send your Tithes and Offering through: Gcash: 0918-909-7741 Raphaely Alessandra Recio - Treasurer Metrobank: 479-3-479182680 Raphaely Alessandra Recio - Treasurer If you would like to join on our Music Team Practice/Prayer/Bible Study: Jerick Faz - Youth Coordinator   / jerick.faz   Jesus is my Fortress Church - Live Service:   / live_videos     / live_videos   For more info: #SundayService #Church #ChurchService #Online