12/25/2024 Replay of Christmas Day morning worship stream Fishers of Men Lutheran Church

12/25/2024 Replay of Christmas Day morning worship stream Fishers of Men Lutheran Church

Replay of the live stream of the Christmas Day morning worship from 25 December 2024. Pastor Chuck Ridley gives the message called, "" based on .   You can make your gifts to Fishers of Men in support of our ministries by following this link: https://pushpay.com/g/fishersofmen   We are continuing our normal in-person worship times of 8:30am and 11:00am and Bible study at 9:45 in the chapel. Now during Advent, there will also be Wednesday evening worship services in the chapel until Christmas. All the services will be streamed and you can also watch them later, if you prefer or can't make it during these times. Get our Android app at: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... Or, search the Apple App Store for "Fishers of Men Lutheran Church" where it is a free download.