MCQS on laxatives and purgatives [Drugs used in constipation part: 2] by Dr Kapil Pandey

MCQS on laxatives and purgatives [Drugs used in constipation part: 2] by Dr Kapil Pandey

#Pharmacology #npc #pharmacistexamquestionpaper #Pharmacology #npc #pharmacistexamquestionpaper #loksewa #dpharma #bpharma #mcqs #constipation #DHA #MEC In today's video, we're diving into MCQS on laxatives and purgatives. Whether you're a student, a healthcare professional, or someone looking to expand your knowledge on drugs used in constipation, you're in the right place. Let's get started and ace those MCQs together. Part 1:    • Drugs used in constipation ╽Part 1╽ b...   Facebook: