DREAMCATCHER (드림캐쳐) - Welcome To Idol World Ep.04 - Kpop Reaction

DREAMCATCHER (드림캐쳐) - Welcome To Idol World Ep.04 - Kpop Reaction

Please be patient with me since this is a new setup and way for me to record there's still some issues with the sound, I'm learning on the go so please bear with me while I'm still testing it all out! Thanks! Subscribe to the channel if you like my reaction videos! :) DC official channel:    / @dreamcatcherofficial   I'm not making any money with these since it's just for the fun of it and also copyrights ahah but don't hesitate to subscribe to know when I'm dropping another DREAMCATCHER reaction video! #드림캐쳐​ #Dreamcatcher​ #welcometoidolworld