The Joy of Airsoft: Tokyo Marui KSG to HPA - Teching Livestream - Come Hang Out and Chat!
It's shotgun time! Let's unbox and dig into my first Tokyo Marui gun, the Keltec KSG! In this video I will be switching it to HPA, switching it to M4 mags, and attaching a sling, foregrip and sight to make it more skirmishable but ALSO look like it's straight out of John Wick lol come hang out and chat about airsoft this morning! 🔔 SUBSCRIBE and hit that BELL for more great airsoft and cosplay gaming content! 💀 📲 FOLLOW THE 141!: 🎮 Follow us on Twitch!   / primepcg  ​💎 Support us on Patreon!   / primepcgaming  ​👾 Join Our Discord!   / discord  🦅 Follow on Twitter!   / prime_cosplay  ​🛸 Join Our SubReddit!   / primepcgaming  ​📷 Follow on Instagram!   / prime_cosplay  📘 Like on Facebook!   / primepcgaming  ​📺 Subscribe on Youtube!    / primepcgaming​  🎮 Gaming Username: PrimePCG ​💰 We don't make anything from Youtube or Twitch, so we set up a PATREON (  / primepcgaming​  ) if you would like to help support Ghost and keep things running here at the base for The 141 so we can keep making more great content like this! If you prefer to make a single donation, you can do that through our Twitch channel! 💰 💻 Played with an Xbox One controller on my custom built battlestation, powered by an i7 3770k and a GTX 970 4GB.Yeah, those parts are pretty old, we badly need an upgraded battlestation and all my peripherals are old and pretty much broken. We are definitely open to hear any sponsorship offers and even full video reviews of your gaming products, so please find the business contact email on my channel and conact me for more information. 💀