Youth Sunday-2/20/2022 | 8AM |🔥Worship Experience |✞ "LIFE IN CHRIST"| Min. Ethel Hutchinson | COGOP
Welcome to the Church of God of Prophecy! Thank you for tuning in! Senior Pastor: Bishop Carlton Chambers, Sr. Associate Pastor: Rev. Errol Brown Please remember to subscribe to our YouTube Channel - "JAVE COGOP", so we can promote the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! / @churchofgodofprophecyhempstead SHARE & SUBSCRIBE!! ****We Do Not Own The Copy Rights To The Music Aired In This Broadcast**** Standard YouTube License Provided by YouTube! #cogop #8AM #youthsunday #virtualworshipexperience #virtualworshipservice #virtual #hempstead #sundayworship #churchofgodofprophecyhempstead #javecogop #javecogoptv #churchofgodofprophecy Youth Sunday - February 20, 2022 | 8AM | Virtual Worship Experience | Church of God of Prophecy-Hempstead Theme: "Committed Worship To God" Chapters | Timestamps 0:00 Welcome! 3:55 Collaborative Worship: "Praise Him! Praise Him!" By Fanny J. Crosby Led By Sis. Heather Thomas 4:54 Collaborative Worship: "I Give You, My Heart" By Hillsong Worship Led By Sis. Heather Thomas 11:21 Collaborative Worship: Song: "Here I Am To Worship" By Hillsong Worship; Led By Sis. Heather Thomas 19:03 Collaborative Worship: "O Mighty Ones" By Jonathan Ferguson Led By Bro. Donavon Harris JAVE COGOP WORSHIP TEAM 30:10 Moderator: Minister. Adrianne Harris 31:04 Days Scripture Verse: Psalm 95:1-6; Minister. Adrianne Harris 30:10 Moderator: Minister. Adrianne Harris 35:53 Prayer The Power of Prayer for the Sick and Other Needs 37:25 Prayer The Power of Prayer for the Sick and Other Needs; Children's Ministry Leader: Sis. Hope Shand 42:18 Moderator: Minister. Adrianne Harris 44:20 COGOP International Children's Ministry Director; Greetings; Dr. Shaun Mckinley 48:10 Moderator: Minister. Adrianne Harris 48:19 Prayer For Dr. Shaun Mckinley; Minister. Adrianne Harris 48:42 Prayer For Dr. Shaun Mckinley, Safe Travel; Children's Ministry Leader: Sis. Hope Shand 50:09 Moderator: Minister. Adrianne Harris 52:02 Public Relations: Announcements 53:26 Moderator: Minister. Adrianne Harris 45:00 Tithes & Offering - Give To JAVE COGOP Hempstead Here: https://cogophempstead.org/giving/ 45:50 Moderator: Moderator: Minister. Adrianne Harris 1:00:29 Black History Month; Reflection of Sidnet Poiter: By Paul Sawyers 1:14:30 Introducing Speaker; Pastor Errol Brown 1:14:59 Speaker: Dr. Minister. Ethel Hutchinson 1:19:13 Topic: "Life In Christ" 1:24:17 Scripture: Gensis 2:7- 25 1:57:00 (Outro) Thanks For Tuning To Our Worship Experience! Our Mission: The Mission of the Church of God of Prophecy is to bear witness for Christ and His truth and to spread the gospel of the Kingdom in all its fullness and power, so that the truth of God is brought about in the hearts of men. Giving: If you are interested in giving, or providing an online donation to the Ministry. Please go to our Church website https://www.cogophempstead.org or you can Text the Word "Give" to 844-990-1535. Email: [email protected] Phone: (516) 486-7010 Fax: (516) 505-8621 ******* We Do Not Own The Rights To The Music Aired In This Broadcast****** Music in this video Learn more Listen ad-free with YouTube Premium Song: You're Doing It All Again (Radio Edit) [Live] (feat. Nicole Harris) Artist: Todd Dulaney Album: You're Doing It All Again (Radio Edit) [Live] (feat. Nicole Harris) Licensed to YouTube by; Entertainment One U.S., LP (on behalf of eOne Music); BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., LatinAutorPerf, LatinAutor, and 5 Music Rights Societies ******* We Do Not Own The Rights To The Music Aired In This Broadcast****** Follow Us! JAVE COGOP Social Media: Facebook: / church-of-go...cogophempstead.org Phone: (516) 486-7010 Fax: (516) 505-8621