Never Gonna Let You Go, Sergio Mendes, Dionne Warwick #fingerstyleguitar
Welcome to my 602nd solo fingerstyle guitar arrangement video on YouTube, Never Gonna Let You Go first done by Dionne Warwick but made really famous by Sergio Mendes! #nevergonnaletyougo #dionnewarwick #sergiomendes #fingerstyleguitar #solojazzguitar #rickbeato This song was proclaimed by Rick Beato to be the most complicated pop song ever, to which I say... Nah. Really, it wasn't that hard... A pinch of "After the Love Has Gone", a dash of "Theme from Arthur", a smidgen of Phase Dance" by Pat Metheny, a predictable 6-2-5-1-4 chord progression throughout and you're in business: First off, philosophically speaking, it really helps if you love the music that you are about to arrange and perform. One of the biggest parts of my musical experience in the 70s and 80s was listening to the radio, eating it all up and loving, almost all of it. And even though the song is played with that DX7piano sound and gated drums, it’s not difficult at all to find the soulful aspect coming through. So I’m good on this philosophical point. As for the more technical aspects, first off, however much music you think you have to memorize, you can cut roughly 40% out of that. The tune, as I see it, consists of two big A sections, each consisting of a verse, pre-chorus and chorus. Then you have a smaller B section, starting with the guitar solo and going all the way out. The ratio of the sections is roughly 40-40-20. The 2 A sections are entirely identical so once you memorize one, you’re set for both. Next, the most daunting aspect people mention about this song is the key changes, of which there are a lot. However, this is a bit overstated, because once you hit the first chord of the new key, you’re always playing the same chord progression 62514, so once you hit that first minor chord, you are on track to skate through the next 5-8 measures. The trick of course is to know which 6 chord starts the progression and when… there are only two slightly different melodies in the verse that go over this progression and the same melody always in the chorus (never gonna let you go), so again, catching that first 6 chord is key, no pun intended… Next, the guitar voicings are not really hard at all. The chords and melodies are not complicated and are entirely diatonic once you are inside the new key. There are no big stretches or complicated chord voicings, I think late in the song there is one single A7 13 #11 but everything else is triad-based. There are a good number of these triads that have an additional bass note that is either the 3 or the 7 but again, not hard to play at all. And finally, the feel, style and tempo of the song are very comfortable to play. The melody is not very fast or complex and there’s an easy going rhythm to it, there’s nothing to rush through. Big news! I am now on TrueFire #truefire with great solo #fingerstyleguitar song arrangement lessons, check out my profile and lessons at https://truefire.com/educators/jake-r... I still offer my own lessons as always and as described below! Check out my video lesson "An Introduction to Fingerstyle Guitar and Solo Guitar Arranging", here is a free and lengthy excerpt/sample: • An introduction to fingerstyle guitar... A complete list of all my 200+ guitar lessons, and much more, is available at https://www.jakereichbart.com/guitar-... please email me at [email protected] for more info. Kindly subscribe, like, comment, share and if you enjoyed this, or any of my other 550 videos I have put together for you over the past 12 years, and which I continue to post weekly, please consider becoming a patron for as little as $3 at / jakereichbart Monthly lessons, on air requests, custom arrangements made just for you are among the perks offered. You can also help a lot by just playing a few of my other videos, perhaps pull up one of my playlists while you do laundry, in order to let the YouTube algorithm know that the channel is active, this way my videos may show up as "suggested videos" to others... never gonna let you go,dionne warwick,sergio mendes,dionne warwick never gonna let you go,nevergonna let you,never gonna let you go sergio mendes,never gonna let you go guitar,never gonna let you go guitar chords,never gonna let you go guitar lesson,never gonna let you go sergio mendes guitar tutorial,never gonna let you go fingerstyle