How To Play 'Blue Suede Shoes' - 1950s Rock 'n' Roll Guitar Tutorial (easy) - Jez Quayle

How To Play 'Blue Suede Shoes' - 1950s Rock 'n' Roll Guitar Tutorial (easy) - Jez Quayle

In this tutorial I teach how to play a rhythm guitar version of Carl Perkins/Elvis Presley's classic rock 'n' roll/rockabilly song, ‘Blue Suede Shoes’, in the original key of A. A song sheet containing the lyrics and chords I play can be viewed or downloaded from my songbook blog here: https://jezquaylesongbookhome.files.w... If you'd like to learn how to play some of the riffs and licks that Carl Perkins used when playing this and other rockabilly songs, check out these other tutorial videos in which I teach how to play like Carl: Tutorial #3:    • Tutorial #3 - Rockabilly Boogie Guita...   Tutorial #7:    • Tutorial #7 - Rockabilly Boogie Guita...   If you'd like to buy a copy of my chord songbook '50 from the Fifties', which contains 50 classic rock 'n' roll and rockabilly songs that can be played with just 4 easy open chords, then search for 'Jez Quayle' and 'Rock and Roll' on Amazon. Unfortunately, I can't provide a single Amazon link that will work all around the world. If Amazon says 'out of stock', or you'd prefer not to use Amazon, you can also purchase the songbook from in paperback or as an eBook (pdf format). Here's the link: