How & Why You Age, And What It Takes To Be ‘Young Forever’ | Mark Hyman, MD | 1044 | Dave Asprey
Learn the Top 10 hallmarks of aging, the role of functional medicine in restoring and reversing aging, and the many practical ways you can promote your own longevity. Mark Hyman, M.D., joins Dave in Austin to talk all things longevity. Driven by his desire for a healthier, longer life for himself and others, Dr. Mark immersed himself in the latest scientific research on aging and longevity. Through his findings, he realized that the body has an incredible built-in healing system that can be activated through understanding the emerging science of longevity. He also managed to reduce his biological age by 20 years effectively. He consistently tackles the topic of inflammation and its impact on aging—or “Inflammaging” as he calls it. “The body only has so many ways to say ouch,” Dr. Mark says. “You have pain. You have inflammation. You have certain things that happen that create all these symptoms, but there're these common roots. So, inflammation is this common root that seems to accelerate as we get older. So, we can measure biomarkers of inflammation that are highly predictive of mortality.” This conversation covers many components of aging, like metabolic flexibility and resilience, mTor, meat- and plant-based protein, nutrition, environmental allergies and food sensitivities, histamine, autophagy, fasting, DEXA scans, and much more! In “Young Forever: The Secrets to Living Your Longest, Healthiest Life” (https://youngforeverbook.com), Dr. Mark: -shares the knowledge of how to unlock the causes of accelerated aging and treat it as a reversible disease. -gives you practical tips for daily habits that will increase your energy and performance. -teaches you why you age and what it really takes to live a longer, more vibrant life. Get all the links and resources in the show notes: https://daveasprey.com/mark-hyman-you... @drmarkhyman #longevity #antiaging #inflammation #functionalmedicine WE APPRECIATE OUR PARTNERS. CHECK THEM OUT! -Sleep Solutions for High Performance: https://sleepbreakthrough.com/dave, use code DAVE10 to get an extra 10% off -Annual Biohacking Conference: https://biohackingconference.com -Dave Asprey’s NEW Book! “Smarter Not Harder: The Biohacker’s Guide to Getting the Body and Mind You Want" https://daveasprey.com/books/ Connect with Dave Asprey! Website: https://daveasprey.com TikTok: / daveaspreyofficial Instagram: / dave.asprey Facebook: / daveaspreyofficial Twitter: / daveasprey YouTube: / daveaspreybpr Telegram: https://t.me/aspreyofficial The Human Upgrade Podcast: / thehumanupgradepodcast and / thehumanupgrade