Opposite Twins Christmas Gift Exchange! What We Got for Christmas 2022

Opposite Twins Christmas Gift Exchange! What We Got for Christmas 2022

And we're back with our normal Niki & Gabi videos!! Here's our annual Opposite Twins Christmas Gift Exchange & What I Got for Christmas video 2022! Subscribe here ➜ http://bit.ly/2vxi9ch #whatigotforchristmas #nikiandgabi #giftexchange our vlog channels: niki demar    / nikidemar   fancy vlogs by gab    / fancyvlogsb.  . COMMENT BELOW: We'd love to hear what you want to see on this channel in 2022. Leave us a comment below with your Niki and Gabi video idea and we might just film it! (and give you credit of course) ✩SHOP GABI'S FRAGRANCE BEAUTIFUL MESS✩ https://gabifragrances.com/ ✩SHOP NIKI'S SAD TAURUS MERCH✩ http://www.sadtaurus.com ➤ shop the “I’m lonely too” set here: https://www.districtlines.com/122189-... ➤shop the "emotionally available as fuck" set here: https://www.districtlines.com/122317-... CATCH UP ON OUR REALITY SHOW: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV... If you see this, comment “The child sized moon boot omg" only those who watch up to that point will know what this means ;) SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram➜ @NIKI / @GABI Twitter➜ @nikidemar / @gabcake Tumblr➜ nikidemar / breakfastatchanel-starringgabi Snapchat➜ nikidemarrr / fancysnapsbygab We’re Niki and Gabi! We hope you enjoyed our Opposite Twins Christmas Gift Exchange / What We Got for Christmas 2022 video! If you don't know, We’re twin sisters who are different with opposite fashion and styles, but we come together to make Niki and Gabi reality shows, videos like challenges, amazon videos, amazon hauls, sister vs sister, photoshoot challenges, 24 hour challenges, DIY, swaps, shopping challenges, 24 hour challenges, diy, style, beauty, lifestyle, fashion, comedy, types of e. V C girls, music, and more!