February 27 - 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time Online Healing Mass | Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite.
Mass of the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time with Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite, SSP via online/video conferencing from Ariccia, Italy to your home, in cooperation with The ACTS Catholic Prayer Community. JESUS told his disciples a parable,“Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit? No disciple is superior to the teacher; but when fully trained, every disciple will be like his teacher. Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye?” Gospel (Luke 6:39-45) #FrMar #FrMarioSobrejuanite #catholicsundaymass #sundayhealingmass #catholicmass #frmariosobrejuanite2022 #actsprayergroup #frmar2022 #pinoymass #pinoytvmass #livemass #onlinemass #homebound #homeboundmass #philippinemass #catholicTvmass #videoconferencingmass #ACTSCatholicPrayerCommunity #ACTSGoesBeyondBorders #ACTSRefreshed #onemindoneheartonespirit #Christtotheendsoftheearth #ACTS10yearsofGod’sFaithfulness #OverflowingProvis10ns #8thSundayinOrdinaryTime #PARABLE #SPLINTERS #WOODENBEAM #SpiritoPrayer #HUMILITY #COMPASSION #LOVE #JUDGMENTAL #Prideandarrogance #HYPOCRITES #Goodtree #Goodfruit #Rottentree #Rottenfruit #ServeJesusWorthily #BlindGuide #Magisterium #GoodandEvil #onlinemass #massforthehomebound #videoconferencingmass