Sunday Worship Service - "What Hindered You" Nov. 8, 2020
Powered by Restream https://restream.io/ I truly believe that God has a powerful message from His word for us. If you can't join us in-person, please join us for the live stream this Sunday Morning! SUNDAY “VIRTUAL” WORSHIP SERVICE: We will go live around 10:10 to give everyone time to setup their TV’s, Computers, or Smartphones with the service starting at 10:30 am. It will be live streamed on YouTube and Facebook live at the links bellow ------------------------------------------------------------- You can stream it live via Facebook: / firstbaptistchurch or, you can stream it via YouTube: / hancevillefbc -------------------------------------------------------------- Also, you can send in your tithe through the mail, text, or Internet. https://onrealm.org/Hanceville/give/t... http://hancevillefirstbaptist.com/ Text HancevilleFBC to 73256