MGOC Bhilai | Morning Prayer & Holy Qurbana | 6th Jun 2021| Second Sunday after Feast of Pentecost |

MGOC Bhilai | Morning Prayer & Holy Qurbana | 6th Jun 2021| Second Sunday after Feast of Pentecost |

#VishudhaQurbana #PrabadhaNamaskaram #MorningPrayer #HolyQurbana #Staysafe #StayHome #SecondSunday #afterPentecost #HolySpirit #JesusChrist #MGOC #MalankaraOrthodoxSyrianChurch #CalcuttaDiocese #Cathedral MGO Cathedral Holy Qurbana, Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer and Liturgical events live stream from Mar Gregorios Orthodox Cathedral Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, IN Evening Prayer : Daily 6pm Holy Qurbana Schedule : Week Days 6:30 AM (Morning Prayer) 7:00 AM (Holy Qurbana) Sunday 7:00 AM (Morning Prayer) 8:10 AM (Holy Qurbana) Follow Us on Facebook at: :   / bhilaimgocathedral