Women’s Night March 20, 2025
Pastor Bishop Paul C. Johnson Speaker: Elder Wallace Smith Subject: For such a Time as This Scripture: Esther 4:10-17, Psalm 5:11-12, 124:2-3, 8 We Baptize 7 days a week. Call Bishop Johnson at 912-977-1755 to get in touch with someone about beginning God's plan for salvation. Call this toll free number, 1-701-791-9616, to listen to all of our weekly services. Sunday School 9:45am (In-person) Sunday Morning Worship 11am Tuesday night Bible Study 7pm Wednesday Night Sunday School 6:30 (Zoom) Thursday night Praise Service 7pm If you'd like to give to support this ministry, offerings can be given on Zelle to Paul at 912-977-1755 or mailed to Post Office Box 169 Hinesville, GA. 31310. https://www.progressivechurch.org/