3rd Sunday of Easter 4/18/2021
Join us for worship! Feel free to download a copy of our bulletin by clicking this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_SRo... Thank you to our worship leaders for serving: Preaching & Presiding: ............ Pastor Scott Castello Organist: ................................... Christine Collins Recording: ................................ Russ Kohnken Simulcast Broadcast:............... Taina Rodriguez-Encarnacion Assisting Minister: ................... Connie Wood Lector: ....................................... Erik Christensen Cantor: ...................................... Sally Schleker Usher: ....................................... Russ Kohnken Permission to reprint & stream the music in this service obtained from CCLI (lic. #2298584) & OneLicense (lic. #A-714237). All rights reserved.