Hymn Meditation for the week of the Third Sunday of Easter (4/18/2021)
Organist Jason Klein-Mendoza offers a weekly hymn reflection on last Sunday’s sermon. Hymn: That Easter Day with Joy was Bright | PUER NOBIS This tune is so spectacular, that The Hymnal 1982 has more than one use of it. We sing this tune during Advent, so its use here in Eastertide provides a remarkable book end to the life and ministry of Jesus as we continue to live in Resurrection joy! From an early 5th century Latin hymn, Michael Praetorius adapted this tune in the 16th century to the version that we know today (although with a modern harmonization). Praetorius’ music was revered by Martin Luther and other reformers of the church. It is no wonder that we have several instances of his writing in our hymnal still to this day. This simple lilting tune provides a joyful character to the text from the 15th century. The last verse harmonization found here is by Paul Halley. As always, we invite you to either sing along at home or just follow along with the text and music as you continue your week in prayer.