[Showbiz Korea] Hyun Bin(현빈) & Jang Dong-gun(장동건) conflict to save Joseon! The movie 'Rampant(창궐)'
"Rampant" 'Yagwi,' or 'Night Demons' are mysterious creatures which aren't alive or dead They are dominating the world and the crown prince 'Lee Chung' returns to save the Joseon It's the new action blockbuster movie "Rampant" and actor Hyun Bin takes on the role of 'Lee Chung,' the crown prince who was a political hostage but returns home to protect his home country Actor Jang Dong-gun acts as 'Kim Ja-joon,' a man who wants to control the Joseon! "Rampant" was simultaneously released in 19 countries in 4 continents and we went to the press conference to find out more about "Rampant " 영화 [창궐] 제작발표회 산 자도 죽은 자도 아닌 '야귀(夜鬼)'가 창궐한 세상, 위기의 조선으로 돌아온 왕자 '이청' 역의 현빈과 조선을 집어삼키려는 절대악 '김자준' 역의 장동건과의 혈투를 그린 액션 블록버스터 [창궐] !! 세계 4대륙 19개국 동시 개봉을 알리며 전 세계의 관심을 모으고 있는 영화 [창궐]의 제작보고회가 열렸습니다 Visit ‘Showbiz Korea’ Official Pages Facebook: Twitter: ------------------------------------------------------------ [Subscribe Arirang Official YouTube] ARIRANG TV: ARIRANG RADIO: ARIRANG NEWS: ARIRANG K-POP: ARIRANG ISSUE: ARIRANG CULTURE: ARIRANG FOOD & TRAVEL : ------------------------------------------------------------ [Visit Arirang TV Official Pages] Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Homepage: ------------------------------------------------------------ [Arirang K-Pop] YouTube: Facebook: Google+: