ASMR 3Dio Layered Ear Massage & Fluffy Mic Brushing Sounds (NO TALKING) Trigger Assortment

ASMR 3Dio Layered Ear Massage & Fluffy Mic Brushing Sounds (NO TALKING) Trigger Assortment

Hello! I had a couple of requests for an ear massage layered with the fluffy windshields, so here is my first attempt at a layered sounds/soundscape type video :) I shot two separate videos and faded in and layered the sounds and visuals, leaving a few parts where the sounds aren't layered, in the hopes that it would stop the sounds from becoming too much lol. There are quite a few different triggers in this video and I think the sounds are fairly intense, but let me know what you think :) As this video is a mix up of so many triggers, it's kind of hard to provide time stamps, but the sounds include; Start - 18:34 - Brushing fluffy windshields with bare hands, massaging & stroking ears, tapping ears, some ear cupping, using mascara wands/spoolies on the ears, tapping & scratching metal top of the 3Dio 18:35 - 24:16 - same as above but using scratchy craft sponges on fluff instead of hands 24:17 - end - mostly the same as above but with latex gloves on the fluff Thank you for watching, I hope this video gives you some tingles and relaxes you :)