NINTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST July 21, 2024 AS WE GATHER Shepherds are to gather, tend, nourish, and protect flocks. The Lord passes harsh judgment on unfaithful shepherds. Ultimately, it is only Christ, the righteous Branch, who gathers together His flock both from alien Gentile nations as well as chosen Israel. Christ alone provides respite for shepherding disciples, nourishing them with His Word and presence. Furthermore, He miraculously equips faithful shepherds to feed, tend, and nourish those who gather to hear His Word of truth. St. Paul Lutheran Church A Member Congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod We greet and welcome all guests and visitors worshiping with us today. We hope that the message you hear today will strengthen your understanding and faith in God’s plan to save us from sin and death through Jesus Christ. If you are visiting with us for the first time, please introduce yourself to Pastor Mat. If you are without a church home, we invite you to join us here at St. Paul. ORDER OF WORSHIP DIVINE SERVICE 1 Ringing of the Bell Hymn of Invocation 666 Invocation p151 Confession/Absolution p151 †The Service of the Word † Introit p 8 of bulletin Kyrie p152 This is the Feast p155 Salutation/Collect p156 Old Testament p650 Jeremiah 23:1-6 Psalm 23 Front of Hymnal Epistle Reading p976 Ephesians 2:11-22 Alleluia and Verse p156 Holy Gospel p841 Mark 6:30-44 Hymn of the Day 644 Sermon Nicene Creed p158 Prayer of the Church Offering (please sign attendance book in pew) Offertory p159 † Service of the Sacrament † Preface p160 Sanctus p161 Prayer of Thanksgiving p161 Lord’s Prayer p162 The Words of our Lord p162 Pax Domini p163 Agnus Dei p163 Distribution Hymns 625,710,861,912 Post Communion Canticle p164 Post Communion Collect p166 Benediction p166 Hymn to Depart 711 VBS Video