Full Moon Movement and Yoga Nidra for Expansion and Autumn Equinox Balancing

Full Moon Movement and Yoga Nidra for Expansion and Autumn Equinox Balancing

Timestamps: 0:00 intro 1:24 breathing warmup 1:40 movement practice 45:00 breathing practice 50:45 yoga nidra guided meditation/relaxation A full class for all of the body's joints, focused on expansion and balance for this full harvest moon in Pisces at the Autumn Equinox. Beginning with the breath and lower limbs, follwed by the upper body and addressing the whole spine. Movements are offered as explorations, for practice in a chair or on the floor. Starting slowly, the class guides the body through various movements and postures, culminating in a few simple standing postures and winding down with a breathing practice and yoga nidra guided relaxation focused on creating the feelings you wish for in your body and life. Olga Chwa’s classes are designed to be accessible for all body types and recommended for healthy aging. Participants with joint pain, arthritis, back aches, low energy, insomnia, disrupted sleep, recent surgeries, chronic illness, digestive struggles, high blood pressure, cholesterol concerns and other health issues are welcome to participate in this gentle exercise form for prevention, repair and healing. Yoga Nidra, which is a part of every class, is a systematic technique to naturally alter consciousness, known also as brainwave yoga and is appropriate for all ages and body types. Many participants report finding support for mental health issues: stress, anxiety, depression as well as body aches and lowering their resting heart rate. Feel better, increase vitality, boost brain health, get better sleep, prevent disease and take charge of your body in this 75 minute self-care all-levels class: stay fit, strong and flexible. --- For more practices like the ones here, join Olga Chwa's classes and events: http://www.olgachwa.com/events​ Subscribe to the channel & follow Olga Chwa Bodywork Wellness on: fb   / olgachwa.wellness   insta @olgachwa.wellness   / olgachwa.wellness​   Thank you for your donations and supporting this Peace Work that is my livelihood: https://paypal.me/OlgaChwaWellness​ (paypal) & @olgachwa (venmo) Private one-on-one yoga nidra instruction along with other services, events and wellness downloads are available from Olga Chwa. Please reach out, add your name to the mailing list and join an upcoming live class or event - http://www.olgachwa.com​. Blessings. Olga Chwa ©2021 DISCLAIMER: Please consult a medical professional before making any significant changes in your usual exercise program. By using our videos, you understand and agree that Olga Chwa nor any persons associated with olgachwa.com have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post.