Dr. Max Gulhane - 'What Your Cardiologist Doesn't Know About Sunlight & Heart Health'

Dr. Max Gulhane - 'What Your Cardiologist Doesn't Know About Sunlight & Heart Health'

Dr Max Gulhane discusses the profound benefits of natural sunlight on cardiovascular risk and outlined fascinating mechanisms by which this is possibly occurring related to biophysics of water in blood vessels. Dr. Max Gulhane is a General Practice registrar, circadian & quantum heath educator, host of the Regenerative Health Podcast & co-founder of REGENERATE. This talk was filmed live at 75 Reid St, North Fitzroy for the second REGENERATE Summit on April 21st, 2024. Attend the next REGENERATE Health Summit in ALBURY, NSW from 3-4th August 2024 Livestream Ticket - https://www.regenerateaus.com/?sca_re... Golden Ticket - https://www.regenerateaus.com/product... Two Day Ticket - https://www.regenerateaus.com/product... REGENERATE is a decentralized health summit shedding light on the causes and solutions of modern diseases. The three pillars of REGENERATE are: 1. Circadian and quantum health 2. Ancestral diets - low carb, carnivore 3. Regenerative farming Follow REGENERATE Website: www.regnerateaus.com - SIGN UP TO THE MAILING LIST! Instagram:   / regenerate.aus   Twitter:   / regenerate_aus   Rumble: REGENERATEHEALTHSUMMIT Follow DR MAX Interviews with world leading experts on the REGENERATIVE HEALTH PODCAST    / @maxgulhanemd   Website: https://drmaxgulhane.com/ Private Group: https://www.skool.com/dr-maxs-circadi... Courses: https://drmaxgulhane.com/collections/... Twitter:   / maxgulhanemd   Instagram:   / dr_max_gulhane   Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6edRmG3... Linktree: https://linktr.ee/maxgulhanemd Filming & editing by Pete Williams of Handeye Productions - http://handeye.tv/ #regenerate #regeneratehealthsummit #regeneratemelbourne2024 #decentralizedhealth