God of Hope | Advent 1 | Nov. 27th, 2022 | TrinityUCPG

God of Hope | Advent 1 | Nov. 27th, 2022 | TrinityUCPG

This week we start our advent journey; we start the search for the our lost icons. Sometimes the icons, the symbols, of our faith can get lost and end up on the trash heap of life’s refuse. This Advent, we will spend time searching with the ancient prophets who searched for the lost icons of our faith, hope, faith, peace, and joy. Together this Advent season, the season of waiting, we will discern how Icon's can have a more central role in our life, moving off the garbage pile and onto the mantle of our hearts. Check out our website for more information about us and events within our community! www.trinitypg.ca ____Contents of Our Worship___ 00:00-6:06 Intro 6:07-34:02 Welcome, Announcements, Opening Worship 34:03-37:41 Isaiah 2:1-5, Anthem: 'VU#'23 Joy Shall Come' 37:42:49-55:20 Sermon 55:21-1:14:12 Pastoral Prayer, Offertory, Ending