Young Worshipper's Message + Feb 18, 2024 + Trinity Lutheran Church & Schools

Young Worshipper's Message + Feb 18, 2024 + Trinity Lutheran Church & Schools

February 18, 2024 + 10 AM Trinity Lutheran Church & Schools ++++++++++++++++++++++ First Sunday in Lent Jesus Sought Me ++++++++++++++++++++++ In our scripture passage for today, we will read about Jesus calling Peter to be a disciple. In the story, Peter is in the presence of the Divine for quite some time before he realizes it. Jesus crawls into Peter’s boat. He tells him to head toward deep water. Together, they let the nets down. And it is only when the boat threatens to sink, due to the extreme abundance of fish, that Peter turns to Jesus and truly sees who’s in his boat. MOBILE BULLETIN + LENT & EASTER + GET CONNECTED TO TRINITY + GIVE TO TRINITY + ANNOUNCEMENTS AND NEWS + ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Texts and music reprinted and streamed under the following licenses: Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #SAS002250 . CCLI License #1295571; OneLicense #A706801.