【4k】강동구 명일2동 - Myeongil 1-dong, Gangdong-gu Street 2021, Seoul, Korea

【4k】강동구 명일2동 - Myeongil 1-dong, Gangdong-gu Street 2021, Seoul, Korea

Map of walked streets : 명일동이라는 이름은 994년(고려 성종 11년) 이곳에 출장하는 관리들의 공용 숙박소로 명일원(明逸院)을 두어 여행하는 사람들의 편의를 돌보았기 때문에 그 이름을 따서 “명일원”, “원터골”("원텃골")이라 한데서 비롯되었다 [1] 명일이라는 이름은 고려시대 중국의 당송대의 유행하던 예술이나 서예, 도예 따위의 평가 최고 점수를 일컬어 편안한 일, 뛰어날 일 [逸] 자를 주로 쓰게된다 이에 따라 고려 양광주 목사가 이곳의 이름을 짓는데 "아침을 맞이하기 뛰어난 곳 " 이라 지으며 그 이름을 ‘명일원’이라 짓게된다 The name of Myeongil was named after 'Myeongil-won' during Goryeo Dynasty in the 10th century [3] Myeongil-won was an accommodation facilities and duty station of renting or transferring horses for the Public officials who go a business trip In modern times, Myeongil-dong was actually a part of Myeongil-ri, Gucheon-myeon, Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do Province, and then be included into Seoul in 1963 Even nowadays, the street of Gucheonmyeon-gil still exists From the late 1970s to mid-1980s, large scale of falm and orchard were renovated into huge apartments complex built by Korea National Housing Corporation (currently Korea Land & Housing Corporation), Samick, Woosung, Hanyang and Hyundai Engineering and Construction and developed as one of new town in Seoul, along with Mok-dong and Sanggye-dong in the 1990s In 1995, Seoul Subway Line 5 was passed through this area stopping at Godeok Station, Myeongil Station and Gubeundari Station Currently, Myeongil-dong is well known for the location of Myungsung Presbyterian Church, E-mart Myeongil branch, Home plus Gangdong branch and neighborhood of Hanyoung Foreign Language High School 도움이 되셨다면 '구독'과 '좋아요'를 눌러 주세요 감사합니다 If you like this video, please 'subscribe' and 'like' it Small attention is also a great force for me #Korea #Seoul #walk