Ballard First Lutheran Worship Service: Transfiguration Sunday, February 14, 2021

Ballard First Lutheran Worship Service: Transfiguration Sunday, February 14, 2021

Join us for this special online version of worship at Ballard First Lutheran Church in Seattle, Washington. Service Details: Prelude - Prelude on "Immortal, Invisible" - Raymond H. Haan, copyright 1989 Sacred Music Press Gathering Hymn - Immortal, Invisible God Only Wise - ELW 834 Psalm 50: 1-6 Lesson - 2 Kings 2:1-12 Anthem - Be Thou My Vision Gospel Verse - Come and See - ACS 976 Hymn of the Day - How Good Lord to Be Here - ELW 315 Offertory Hymn - Come, Beloved of the Maker - ELW 306 Sending Hymn - Alleluia, Songs of Gladness - ELW 318 Postlude - Allegro from Concerto 13 - G.F. Handel, arr by Jane Ellen Lorenz, copyright 1950 Lorenz Publishing Co.