What is Dengue? Causes, Signs and Symptoms, and Treatment | डेंगू | Doc Talk | Health | Fit Tak

What is Dengue? Causes, Signs and Symptoms, and Treatment | डेंगू | Doc Talk | Health | Fit Tak

In today's episode of Doc Talk, Dr. Ravi Prakash, HOD and Consultant of Emergency Medicine at Manipal Hospital, Jaipur, will talk about dengue fever. He will discuss the rising cases, common symptoms, and why early diagnosis is crucial, especially as dengue affects individuals across all age groups. Join us for an enlightening conversation as Dr. Prakash shares essential insights into dengue prevention, effective treatments, and actionable steps to manage this infection at home. #dengue #denguealert #denguecases #dengueawareness #denguesymptoms #denguefever #denguevirus #denguefevertreatment #expertadvice #doctalk #doctalkonfittak #fittak #healthtips #treatment #dengueprevention #denguesituation #aedes #mosquitobites #virus #highfever You can follow us at: Facebook:   / fittakofficial   Twitter:   / fittakofficial   Instagram:   / fittakofficial