Logic Gates:- AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR---#startingyoutubechannel #technologies
In this Video you learn about the "Logic Gates" which is a very important topic of Computer Organization and Architecture as well as Discrete Mathematics. Topic You Learn in this video lecture:- 1. Basic Logic Gates i) AND gate ii) OR gate iii) NOT gate 2. Universal Logic Gates i) NAND gate(Not-AND) ii) NOR gate(Not-OR) 1. Other Logic Gates i) XOR gate ii) XNOR gate The Information in this video is taken from #geeksforgeeks_school #firstyoutubevideo #startingyoutubechannel #teach #technologies #logic #logicgates #andgate #orgate #notgate #basiclogicgates #universallogicgates #nandgate #norgate #XORGATE #xnor #coaching #computerorganizationandarchitecture #discrete_mathematics #viralvideo #viral