Absolutely BEAUTIFUL | Never a Silent Night a W40K Imperial Hymn REACTION

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL | Never a Silent Night a W40K Imperial Hymn REACTION

⚜ Original video from ‪@officialwarhammer‬    • Never a Silent Night | Imperial Hymn ...   ✨ Check out my W40K Space Marine 2 playthrough:    • TITUS IS BACK!! | Space Marine 2 Full...   ✨My Warhammer 40K Journey Playlist, from the moment I started learning to now!    • ti8ick learns Warhammer 40,000   Welcome! If you are new to the channel, I'm ti8ick (pronounced tibick or tibs), a Streamer/Youtuber that has fallen down the rabbit hole of Warhammer 40k. I started with the game Rogue Trader (I love RPGs). I'm going through the lore and even I got myself some minis to build and paint! I'm loving anything related to Warhammer 40k, but I also do variety! If this interests you, stay with us! Chapters: 00:00 Intro 00:14 Hymn 2:10 Impressions 2:57 Blogpost with lyrics 10:23 Patreon and YT Members Thanks BIG THANKS TO OUR YOUTUBE MEMBERS! THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING THE CHANNEL! Want to become a member and be included in the credits?    / @ti8ick   🎬 Channel Editor @MrGuybrush SOCIALS: TWITCH ►►   / ti8ick   TIKTOK ►►   / tib8ick   TWITTER ►►   / ti8ick   Join the Discord community:   / discord   Support me and my channel: https://streamelements.com/ti8ick/tip https://throne.com/tibick/wishlist   / ti8ick   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #sisterofbattle #warhammer40k #reaction