Fields UMC 9 am Sunday September 24 2023 Worship and Livestream
Our fall, winter, spring schedule has begun with 2 Sunday services, 9 am and 11 am.This is our 9 am traditional worship.Pastor Sondra Snode shares the message ‘Self-Empowered or Spirit-Filled', and references scripture from John 16: 7 - 13a.Our liturgist is Vicki Beaver.Our organist / accompanist Patty Zinn leads us in song and music with ‘He Leadeth Me: O blessed Thought’, ‘and ’Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah'Our bell choir is back and shares their music with ‘They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love'. The service will also be available in the church parking lot via FM radio 88.5. Please remember that the church is still in need of your tithes, gifts, and offerings. By text, any amount, to 440-319-3537. (First time users will need to create an account as this is NOT charged through your cell phone carrier.) Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr... or our website: https://www.fieldsumc.org/giving/ Setup automatic bill pay or make a one time offering through your online banking service. No service charges are normally deducted from your offerings using this method. Offerings can also be mailed to the church office: Fields UMC 34077 Lorain Rd. North Ridgeville, Oh 44039 Check out our website for information on upcoming programs and events. CCLI license #2218007 CCLI Streaming and Podcast License #CSPL016520 CVLI License #504394702 WorshipCast #8044