Herpes|| Type| Symptoms| Treatment & Management #herpeszoster #herpessimplex #herpesvirus
Herpes is a viral infection caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). There are two types: Type 1 (HSV-1): Typically causes oral herpes (cold sores) Symptoms: painful blisters, itching, burning, and tingling around the mouth and lips Cause: close contact with an infected person Type 2 (HSV-2): Typically causes genital herpes Symptoms: painful blisters, itching, burning, and tingling in the genital area Cause: close contact with an infected person Symptoms: Painful blisters or sores Itching, burning, and tingling Flu-like symptoms (fever, headache, fatigue) Increased urination (genital herpes) Causes: Close contact with an infected person (skin-to-skin contact) Virus shedding (even without visible sores) Weakened immune system Treatment and Management: Antiviral medications (acyclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir): Reduce symptoms and duration Suppress future outbreaks Home remedies: Cold compresses Aloe vera gel Tea tree oil Lifestyle changes: Avoid close contact during outbreaks Practice safe sex Manage stress Vaccines: None available, but research is ongoing Complications: Increased risk of HIV transmission Neonatal herpes (transmission to newborns) Eye problems (herpes keratitis) Increased risk of other STIs Prevention: Practice safe sex (condoms, dental dams) Avoid close contact during outbreaks Get tested regularly (if sexually active) Consider antiviral medication (suppress #medicine #hepatomegaly #skincare #skincaretips #herpessimplex #skindiseases #herpes #herpessymptomsinfemale #herpessimplexvirus #herpesgenital #herpesonlips #herpesskindisease #herpeszostervirus #herpesvirus #herpestreatment #herpesstorytime #herpesstory #herpessong #herpesgenitalsintomas #herpesvirusmicrobiology #herpeslabiosboca #herpesand #herpesandpregnancy #herpesanddating #herpesandrelationships #herpesandcupcakes #herpesandcoldsoresdifference #herpesandmarriedcouples #herpesandgivingbirth #herpesandkissing #herpesandcarnivorediet #herpesandcowboys #herpesandshingles #herpesandthebrain #herpesandfertility #herpesandpregnancystories