The Spiritual Multitudes, Agape Love, The Greatest Gift, Volume # 3, Part # 27,
Hello and welcome again to another Part of The Audio Book, The Spiritual Multitudes, Agape Love, The Greatest Gift - Part # 27, References Include 1. Zoom 2. Pixabay, Motion Videos 3. The Authorized King James Bible 4. IT Techs 5. Best Buy 6. Youtube Scriptures used 1. John 3 : 16 - 21, Written by John, a Disciple of Christ Jesus 2. Hebrews 4 : 12, A Spiritual Circumcision of the Spirit from the Soul Stories told 1. Private Information, a humbling experience for Pastor Deborah All videos are placed on the web site of this ministry, Agape Love, Love Is Here - at https://www.agapeloveishere.org Also all videos are Audio Podcasted out to a Podcast Show which accessible on the front page of the web site on the left hand side of the page. You can also follow Pastor Deborah on Twitter and Linkedin Love Pastor Deborah