June 26, 2022 Combined Roseville & SAP Worship & Welcome Pastor Dave Comstock!
Roseville Campus Worship Service for Sunday 06.26.22 00:00:00 Countdown 00:00:10 GATHERING SONG 00:05:01 WELCOME 00:09:13 PRELUDE 00:12:20 CALL TO WORSHIP 00:12:51 *Hymn – Come Thou Fount 00:18:17 SCRIPTURE READING - Isaiah 43: 16-21 00:20:10 TIME WITH CHILDREN 00:29:31 SCRIPTURE READING - John 1: 6-9 00:30:40 MESSAGE 00:58:57 HYMN 383 - This is a Day of New Beginnings 01:01:19 OFFERING 01:06:33 CONCERNS & PRAYERS 01:09:34 MUSICAL MEDITATION 01:13:52 COMMUNION 01:27:10 HYMN 384 - Love Divine All Loves Excelling 01:30:26 BLESSING 01:30:43 POSTLUDE CCLI Copyright License # 20172342 CCLI Streaming License # 20172359 OneLicense Print & Podcast License # A-727273 #worship #church #UMC #unitedmethodistchurch #unitedmethodist #reconciling #RethinkChurch #reconcilingchurch #jesus #god #love #bible #christian #faith #ministry #prayer #christianity #community #landscape #family