4 Easy "E Triad" Licks That Famous Players Use ALL the Time!
Visit my Patreon for the download handout of this Lesson: / 108518332 Join the Members Area to study my guitar courses: https://www.creativeguitarstudio.com/ ______________________________________ When it comes to practicing guitar one of the most important skills is learning all the chord patterns on the neck. Chord shapes, note fingering and how to use & perform chords in a song are vital. When the goal is rhythm guitar, how well you can strum matters most. However, there is another way to use chords, and the other way has to do with playing melody lines & solos. While at first glance a melody may not seem connected to a chord pattern - in reality it certainly can be. The connection between chords and melody are not by random association, but rather the exact opposite. Chord tones offer soloists a choice of exact notes that are perfect for each background chord. This means small shapes - like the 3-string triad - are excellent to use as templates for creating licks & lines. To build a composed melody off of triads, start by clarifying what the backing chord is in your progression. Then, select a 3-string triad to cover the backing chord with your melody. If your goal is to compose a guitar solo then you will need to take a look at what triad shapes work the best in the position you’re in. The choice of triad combined with the best scale options will allow for some great sounding solos that hook-up perfectly into every chord. Andrew Wasson (Creative Guitar Studio Inc.) --------------------------------------------------------------- Merch Store: T-Shirts, Hats, Coffee Cups, Sweaters and MORE! https://creative-guitar-studio-2.crea... My OTHER YOUTUBE CHANNEL: / guitarblogupdate ___________________________________ Follow on Instagram: / creativeguitarstudio Follow on Twitter: / andrewwasson Follow on FaceBook: / guitarwasson __________________________________ OFFICIAL Creative Guitar Studio Website: http://www.creativeguitarstudio.com/ ___________________________________ ANDREW WASSON - Personal Website: http://www.andrewwasson.com ___________________________________